
Blocking Twitter users from R

Making Twitter a little more pleasant to peruse

Prototyping a large-scale analysis of "weather events" in Canada

Code for moving from a single-station to a larger spatial scope

Twitter abuse of Canada's Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna

An analysis of hate and anti-female slurs against Catherine McKenna

Extended Heat Warning Interview with UTSC Communications

An interview with UTSC Communications regarding my recent analysis of heat warning weather at Toronto Pearson

Heat warning weather at YYZ

An analysis of heat warning weather over the past 30 years at Toronto Pearson

Installing R on Android via Termux

Get a full IDE experience in R on Android.

Choosing stations in Peru pt. 2, Hydrological Stations

Examining the available hydrological data for a local study in Peru.

Choosing stations in Peru pt. 1, Meteorological Stations

Examining the available meteorological data for a local study in Peru.

Tax Time and the TUR (Transit Tax Credit)

Crunching the numbers of my Transit Usage Report.

Playing With Bases

Playing with numerical bases in Python.